About Us
Welcome to White Clay Lake Lodge, Campground Bar & Grill . We are located on beautiful White Clay Lake, just East of Cecil, in Northeastern Shawano County, Wisconsin. White Clay Lake is a small fishing lake that offers open water Fishing, Ice fishing, Duck hunting and is located on the Shawano County Snowmobile trail system.

The Lodge Bar & Grill
Have a drink, share some fishing stories and enjoy your meal while over looking White Clay Lake. The Lodge Bar & Grill is open year round. We offer a full sandwich menu featuring our famous "Rib Eye Steak Sandwich". We also offer burgers, wraps, chicken breast sandwiches, fish sandwiches, wings, chicken strips a boat load of appetizers and Friday Fish Fry's.

The Campground
The campground offers 45 large seasonal and weekend camp sites, all with water and electric hookups. A shower & bath house, volley ball court, playground and dump station. The Lake and the Lodge are both within walking distance of all campsites.
Seasonal & Weekend Sites Available
The seasonal camping season is from the beginning of may through the middle of October. Seasonal sites for trailers up to 35 ft long.
Weekend campsites starting Memorial Day weekend. for trailers up to 28ft long. .

The Lake
White Clay Lake is a small 235 acre, spring fed lake that is surrounded by cattails. It is primarily a fishing lake and is approximatly 45ft at it's deepest.
The lake is populated by walleye, northern pike, largemouth bass, yellow perch, bluegill, crappie, and various rough fish. The lake also has some excellent duck hunting in the fall and ice fishing in the winter.
There is a public boat landing adjacent to our property. The launch fee is $5.00 per day or a Town of Washington seasonal permit is available for $30.00 per year. The lake has a 15 mile per hour speed limit.
Seasonal Campsites are available for the 2023 season. We've got one that has just become available with a shed and would have your own separate power hookup, perfect if you need to use air conditioning!!